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Our Purpose


The Vision

Ourspace seeks to make More & Better Disciples in everything it does. We believe we can and must do both. We want to see teens come to the saving knowledge of God AND grow deeper in faith. That is, we want to be evangelistic to those around us (Matt. 28) and help individuals grow in their faith (1 Thess. 4:3). A key aspect of this vision is partnering with parents as they assume the God-given responsibility of training up their child.


More Disciples

God has called all believers to make disciples. We have the privilege to be God’s hands and feet. It is said that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Compassionate outreach of our friends and family with the good news of salvation by grace through faith in Christ is at the core of who we are. More Disciples is not about numbers for the sake of numbers. For us, every number equals a soul. And every soul means a life changed. And every life changed points us back to our purpose and God’s glory.


 Better Disciples


The first step of the journey of faith is for one to place their trust and allegiance in Christ. But that only begins their journey. Growth however, does not simply happen; we must be intentional. We desire to help anyone who walks through our doors to interact with God in a new and vibrant way. Scripture promises us that it does not return void and we trust that promise in our walks with Him. Growth is an active and continuous endeavor. Ourspace seeks to provide resources and encouragement toward that end as together we “grow in grace” (2 Peter 3:18).


 Equipped Parents


In order to fulfill our calling, parents must be involved. It is not the job of the Church to raise the students. This responsibility has been given to the parents and Ourspace does not seek to usurp that biblical dynamic. But each season of parenting comes with new challenges, frustrations, and complications. Ourspace seeks to come alongside parents as they assume their God given roles. Whether this is simply being another voice pointing your student to Christ or stepping in to advise and counsel and train the parent, Ourspace is here to support.



Interested in learning even more about what we believe as a church? Our doctrinal statement, linked below, provides a robust explanation of what we believe as a church and where we stand on major issues.