Forms & Documents


Master Release Form

This year we have changed the way we do our release forms. We want these forms to be simple and straightforward for you to fill out and for us to access, so we have simplified all three forms into one Master Release form!

We take every precaution in order to create safe environments physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But if an accident should arise, we want to react as quickly as possible to provide the necessary aid. We also love sharing what God is doing inside of Ourspace, but we desire to respect your privacy as well. Please read and sign the photo release in order to allow us to take and appropriately share pictures of various events within Ourspace. And finally, we want to make sure we can get a hold of you! Nothing is as disappointing as having events, parties, or changes in plans and missing out on something, so please fill out your contact info! You can also use the Church Center App to keep all your information up to date.

If you have not yet filled the Master Release form out, please read and fill out either by printing or online.