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Great to See You!

We are so glad that you found us. Ourspace is the youth ministry of Bridge Bible Church that seeks to partner with parents in order to help both middle school and high school students begin, develop, and grow their relationship with God. No matter where you are at on your faith journey, you are welcome here. Join us as we do life together.


About Us

Here in Ourspace our goal is to make More & Better Disciples. In Scripture we see our mission being both evangelistic as well as helping believers grow in their faith. We believe we can and must do both.

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Time & Location

Sunday Evenings 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

While Bridge Bible Church is a multi-site church model, the youth group is a centralized youth group that meets regularly at the Ourspace Youth Building on Sunday evenings through the school year. For directions and details click the link below. For summer activities email


Explore Resources

We want to equip parents and students to live a life that glorifies God. This journey of life can be hard, challenging, and emotional and there are so many aspects to navigate. Our goal is to a make resources available to make this journey towards Christ just a little bit easier. Check out the resources and recommend new ones that have helped you.


Upcoming Events


Service Opportunity - March 23

There is a family at our Shores Campus in need of help. They are moving soon and will need things moved as well as cleaning of the house. They anticipate beginning the process on March 26 and being able to finish two or three days afterward. Any help your child can give will count towards their service hours for camp. If anyone is available to help out in any way, please text Amy at (231) 736-2044. Thank you!

Series - Truth & Lies

No matter how well we protect our children, they are exposed to views that push them closer to destruction. We must continue to be voices that speak up and reveal the beautifully high value God puts on our relationships. When we find our worth in Him, we discover the profound mystery that satisfies our souls and is reinforced in the sacred union God created for us.

30-Day Prayer Challenge

The 30-Day Prayer Challenge started yesterday! This is an excellent opportunity to use this for yourselves and walk through it with your kids! Use these next 30 days intentionally as a family to prepare your hearts for the celebration of our Savior and His work on the cross. This can also be a great time to help prepare our hearts to reach the people around us.


Get Prayer

In Ourspace, we firmly believe in the power of prayer and would love to be praying for your specific needs. Get in touch with us via the link below and let us know what you’re going through so we can be praying for you!